Meet The Maker Series
Have you spent hours trying to find the right surf bikini, lycra surfsuit or the perfect pair of leggings? Came across numerous labels, but they were either on the other side of the planet or you were not quite sure if they'd live up to their name?
I've been there! I know how much time goes into the research and decisions. Up untill about 2 years ago, trying to find a stay-on surfbikini in Europe was a near impossible task. So I decided to make it Seafoam's speciality.
I decided it was about time all these awesome independent surf labels powered by the women of the ocean from across the world would find their way to European shores, without costing the earth.
It has been a road of trial and error, testing different brands, making sure they live up to the claims of being wipe-out proof. At the same time, I try and push for sustainability and eco-friendly materials. Seafoam aims to support small women-powered labels that share this mindset. With every purchase from you, I slowly build up towards the next awesome label that could be added to Seafoam.
Designing practical Surfwear pieces like surfbikini tops that will stick, is not an easy task. It's not just about looks, water women depend on these to protect their respectability in the water and to concentrate on having fun instead of worrying when the next indecent nipple-freeing wipe-out will happen.
It requires years of developing and testing before the tops you can totally rely on actually end up in your hands. They're slow fashion, made to stick to you for years to come.
As I said, it's not easy making decisions on pieces that are meant to last.
You might start wondering where they were made, who made them, what are they made of and how would they find their way to your postbox?
Sensible questions! This is why I want to help you decide by giving you interesting insights behind the scenes of the Surfwear labels that are available on Seafoam. Knowing the women that worked hard to share their passion with you in the form of stylish pieces of waterwear.
One by one, the ladies behind these awesome labels will present their story to you. I hope you'll enjoy an exclusive insight into the design and manufacturing process, but also the personal stories of women who worked hard to make a dream come true with your help.
Stay tuned for our first post of the 'Meet the Makers' serie about Claire, founder of Olas Ocean Tribe.
See you in the water!
Founder of Seafoam